Well, I am a huge Ferrari fanatic and have been for a very long time. But I think sometimes they do not keep a very watchful eye on the companies that license their brand. This is a perfect example of it. I was so excited when I saw this was available. But then…. Uh Oh.
This game uses the same engine (maybe modified) as the BMW F1 game from 2009 along with the Red Bull F1 game and its age really shows. For a game that showcases the 2013 F138, it uses an engine that is simply underpowered and too old. Not a good idea. It does not even take advantage of the iPhone 5s larger screen. The framrates are atrocious and the draw-distance should be much better. It is shocking to see this when you have games like Real Racing 3 pushing the iOS envelope so far.
The sounds are pretty much the same as the other F1 games from Artificial Life. A bit of a disappointment. So much could have been done here in the way of engine sounds.
Again, I am a huge Ferrari fanatic and I want to love this game, but it is so disappointing and the gameplay suffers as well. It is as simple as the older F1 games they produced and there really is nothing to keep you coming back. Even a Ferrari fan will have a hard time really getting serious about this game. This is another category where so much could/should have been done in the way of smooth gameplay. It was a matter of simply plugging in some new graphics with a Ferrari theme and releasing it :(
If you are a Ferrari fan and have to have everything Ferrari, $2 will not break you. But do not expect much. What happened here? It looks as though it is a rush job using old tech and slipping it in under Ferraris nose. Now, if Ferrari let this be released after looking it over, they should be a bit ashamed. There are so many GOOD engines out there from other companies. I am sure more than one company was willing to develop a Ferrari F1 racing game for iOS? Maybe it was a matter of timing? For all of us Ferrari fans out there, this is not the game to showcase the F138. Maybe in the future, another company with a better engine and more innovation will create a better Ferrari F1 themed game.
- Ferrari Racing Game!
- Not much else
- Old engine tech
- Bad framrates
- Dated visuals
- Minimal sounds
- Bad draw distance
- Will not keep your attention
SiniScope about SCUDERIA FERRARI Race 2013